Monday, September 5, 2011

Massage Away Back Pain

As a therapist I see more and more clients that are chronic back pain sufferers, find massage more
pleasureable and effective than medication & physical therapy.

Researchers at Seattle's Group Health Research Institute, assigned chronic low back pain sufferers to a
weekly massage treatment plan of deep tissue massage, relaxation massage OR the standard drug and
exercise therapy. Well, after 2 and a half months two thirds of the ones whom received any of the above
mentioned massages, reported that back pain was significantly improved OR completely gone! But
only one third of the ones given the standard treatment had similar relief.

I find this to be important because chronic back pain is among the most common reasons people
seek medical attention and alternative practioners, including Massage Therapists.

If you are one of the many back pain sufferers, please seek massage therapy. Mention it to your
doctor so that he/ she can give you the ok and if your insurance covers your therapy, please
make sure you get a referral from your doctor for massage. Some Massage Therapists are
insurance medical providers and are able to bill your insurance for your treatment. You may want to
ask your massage therapist, if they bill insurance. If they do not, contact me and I can give you therapists
that do. I am one of them that does take and will bill your insurance so long as you have a doctors referral.
For Southern California.

Please take care of YOU ;)

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